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Gut Health Denver

Talking with patientsDo you suffer from

  • Pain?
  • Cramping?
  • Bloating?
  • Gas?

Do you feel like you look pregnant because of the way your belly swells up? It’s important to know that disease begins in your gut. You can look at your gut as the gateway to your health. In the core beliefs of functional medicine and functional nutrition, your body is connected and functions as a whole system rather than individual parts and pieces. If you have GI distress, autoimmune disease or anxiety, the culprit is likely in your gut.

How Your Gut Relates to Your Full Body Health

When your digestive system is compromised, an inflammatory process is created. About 70% of your immune system resides in your gut. In addition, 90% of your happy neurotransmitter, serotonin, is also produced by your gut. If you have gut-related troubles, our pH levels may be off in your gut, or your body might be fighting off a parasite or form of infection.

Restoring Your Balance

As a functional nutritionist, Nikki’s goal is to help your body find balance. Through laboratory testing, we can help uncover the root cause of your problems with your gut health. You won’t have to guess or try various solutions to find what fits. The functional testing she utilizes will allow an understanding of who you are at a deep level. Any deficiencies or imbalances present can be identified, eliminating your frustrations with your health.

You may have blood, saliva, breath, fecal or urine tests performed. These simple forms of testing take away the guesswork and allow for the creation of a program that works just for you. By finding the source, we can save you money, time and frustration. Your individualized plan with Nikki will involve making the exact changes that are right for your body—no one-size-fits-all approach is ever used in what Nikki does.

Get to Know Nikki

Nikki was educated at The Nutrition Therapy Institute. After having her own health struggles, she understands how it feels to not get any answers from the traditional medical routes. By taking a personalized approach to treatment, Nikki will ensure that you get exactly what your body needs to function at a higher level. Read more >>

Your Functional Medicine Analysis for Gut Health

button functional healthYour body can function normally and healthily. To find the events and influences in your life that affect your health, we’ll have you fill out the health assessment profile. From this information, you and Nikki can uncover patterns, triggers, correlations and mediators you may not have identified before. With this data, we can create a personalized plan to help you reach your goals.

Ready to Learn More? Contact Nikki Today!

If you are curious about functional nutrition and what it can do for you, give Nikki a call today! She’ll discuss your concerns about gut health Denver with you. A free, 15-minute Health is Wealth consultation can determine whether we think that functional nutrition is right for you. If so, we’ll let you know what the next steps are moving forward.



Gut Health Denver, Wheat Ridge CO | (720) 864-1699