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Nutrigenomics Denver

Nikki with a plantWho you are is made up of your genetics. Understanding your genetic makeup plays a vital role in gaining health and maintaining your well-being. There are biological mechanisms that can switch your genes on and off. The study of this field is called epigenetics. With cutting-edge technology, we can see epigenetic mutations that allow us to understand your metabolic pathways. With this information, we can create individualized nutrition plans.

The Devastating Impact of a Trauma

Did you know that an accident or other forms of stress can change your epigenomes? Eating the right or wrong foods can also alter your epigenomes. What is truly remarkable is that it can change your children’s and grandchildren’s epigenomes. By making the right choices now, you can have positive effects on generations of your family yet to come.

Other forms of trauma that you may not have considered include working too much, exercising too little and more. It doesn’t have to be a car accident or other dramatic trauma to seriously affect your well-being and go on to influence your children and their children.

How to Regaining Control of Your Life

We want you to have control of your life and health. Just because your parents suffered from cardiovascular disease or diabetes doesn’t mean it’s inevitable for you. Many people will think that it’s their fate and they can’t do anything about it. That couldn’t be further from the truth!

By looking at your genetic makeup, we can understand which pathways in your body aren’t functioning as they should. Our functional laboratory testing can be cross-referenced with the raw data we gather from you.

Making the Most of Your Time With Us

After you have your initial consultation with Nikki, we’ll set you up with an appointment. Then, you’ll receive a link to our online health assessment if you haven’t already filled it out. With this information, we can save time during your visits, allowing the focus to be where it should be: on you. This advanced analysis will let us take a deeper look at your symptoms and discover the root cause of them, developing an individualized plan that works just for you.

Learn More About Nikki

After struggling with health problems and not getting answers, Nikki decided to take control into her own hands. She was educated at The Nutrition Therapy Institute, qualifying as a functional nutritionist. With a passion for helping and teaching, she loves assisting others on their journey to greater health and well-being. Read more >>

Get Your Functional Nutrition Analysis

button functional healthWe want to make sure that your body gets the support to function normally. To understand how best to help you, we’ll have you fill out our online health assessment. This information will show the influences, events and patterns in your life that are affecting you. From this data, Nikki will be able to start creating your personalized plan.

Start Living Better Today

Discover the exciting new arena of nutrigenomics. Contact Taste Life Nutrition today to schedule a free consultation with Nikki to discuss nutrigenomics Denver!



Nutrigenomics Denver, Wheat Ridge CO | (720) 864-1699